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Out of Africa Lofts has embarked on a breeding program where ACE PIGEONS are being used to build our own family, "OUT OF AFRICA ACES"

This HEN on offer represents our 4 new super star RACERS AND NOW superbreeders.

ZA GPU 00104/15 - 1st Club, 3rd Div, 3rd GPUnion, Y/B. Rietrivier,474km, vel 1297 Direct child to "GOLDEN CARELLY X DTR R80 000 PAIR" - SEE PEDIGREE
Closley related to this cock on auction!!

ZA GPU 12183/15 - 6th Club, 27th GPU O/B, Edenburg, 448km, vel 1468 - Granddaughter to "THE MONSTER COCK" - SEE PEDIGREE
dbl- -24th Club, 77th GPU Union, Bloem 3, Y/B. 385 km, vel 1717
triple - 2nd Club, 4th Div, 5th GPUnion, Y/B.Rietrivier,474km, vel 1277



ZA GPU 02806/15

" 4 x  ACES "

* Balanced
* Muscled
* Ventilated wing.
* Typical of our ACE PIGEONS!!
* Small to medium sized handler 
* Recomended * BRED FROM OUR BEST
* Linebred to our 'MONSTER COCK" . ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012

* Linebred to our SUPER RACERS & SUPERBREEDERS!!!!!.
* Linebred to "404" as well as GOLDEN CARELLY .
* Granddaughter to  ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. 1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012 & 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012

* This mating was made from 4 of the best racers and ACE PIGEONS on the MIDDLE DISTANCE AND LONG DISTANCE we have ever owned.
* Cousin to ZA CYRILS 4090/14 - Sire to Hot Spot 3 Carwinner SCMDPR, as well as 4th Hot Spot 4 Car Race for T & J Engelbrecht

DOUBLE Granddaughter to " MONSTER COCK" - GPU ACE BIRD - ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012

Equal Winner-2nd Club,4th Div, 9th O/B THUnion, Wburg 2, 282km, vel 1744
1st Club, 2nd Div,2nd THU O/B, Colesberg 2, 584km, vel 1149
1st Club, 1st Div,1st THU O/B, Hanover 1, 652km, vel 1064
1st Club,1st Div,2nd THU O/B Challenge, Hanover 3, 652km, vel 1941
4th Club,23rdDiv,28th THU O/B, Rmond, 712km, vel 1276

Grandchild to "MONSTER COCK AND 04159" = ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner. -Raced by F. Viljoen
3rd Club, 12th Union, Beaufort-West, 300km
8th Club - Hanover, 580km
2nd Club, 6th Union Hopetown, 606km
1st Club, 2nd Union Kimberley, 724 km. One of few on the day.
1st Club, Prelim 1st Union, Bloemfontein, 786km


ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 x Club Winner- 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
The best racing cock we have ever owned.
He is being used as stud sire and mated to all our Ace Pigeon hens for stock.
His first son raced, ZA GPU 16927/14- GPU Expensive ring. Rung for H. De Noon.Equal 1st,5 birds on the drop. 2nd Club, 3rd Division, 3rd GPU, Springfontein Y/B, 521km, vel 1599
His daughter last weekend ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410

Already grandsire to winners o.a.:
ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner. -Raced by F. Viljoen

* The previous weekend his NIECE was our first Y/B back home with 3 direct children of the "MONSTER COCK

* ZA GPU 12026/15 - 9th Club, 24th GPU, Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1443,940 - LINEBRED GDTR "MONSTER COCK"
* ZA GPU 02855/15 - 10th Club, 26th GPU, Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1443,568 - Direct child "MONSTER COCK"
* ZA GPU 02854/15 - 14th Club, 50th GPU, Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1435,313- - Direct child "MONSTER COCK"

* 15th Club, 52nd GPU, Y/B, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1434,946 - Direct child "MONSTER COCK"

Super racer and super breeder ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner. 1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012 & 6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
Dam to 3 winners
* ZA GPU 06639/13 - 1st Club, 1st Combine, Richmond Championships, PTA-Oos, 760km, vel 1281. Wins the race by 2 1/2 minutes.
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487
ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457

Granddam to:
ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner. -Raced by F. Viljoen
3rd Club, 12th Union, Beaufort-West, 300km
8th Club - Hanover, 580km
2nd Club, 6th Union Hopetown, 606km
1st Club, 2nd Union Kimberley, 724 km. One of few on the day.

1st Club, Prelim 1st Union, Bloemfontein, 786km--------------------------

12th Club, 23rd Div, 44th GRPA Y/B, Comb, Rburg, 428km, vel 971
7th Club, 84th Div, 116th THU Y/B, Colesberg 1, 584km, vel 1517
Dbl-5th Club 31stDiv,51st THU Y/B, Cberg 2, 584km, vel 1062
Triple-1st Club, 1st Div, 2nd THU Y/B, Cberg 3, 584km, vel 1111
4th in row-1st Club,3rd Div,4th THU Y/B, Hanover 1, 652km, vel 1042
5th-1st Club,5th Div,6th THU Y/B, Hanover 2, 652km, vel 1021Only bird home on day in loft!
6th race in a row- 1st Club,17thDiv,20th THU O/B, Hanover 3, 652km, vel 1940
7th in a row-5th Club,40th Div,58th THU O/B, Rmond 1, 712km, vel 1264 REST
15th Club,42ndDiv,93rd GRPAComb,O/B, Sburg,607km, vel 1140 rest
6th Club,58th Div,161st THU O/B, 3 Sisters, 801 km, vel 838
2013 Racing Season as 2 Year old
9th Ace Pigeon Club Short Distance GPU 2013
4th Club Ventersburg 231 km, vel 1153
Doubled-35th Club, THU O/B, Winburg 1, 278km, vel 1288
75thClub,216thDiv,393rd GPU, O/B, Bloem2, 384km,vel 1393
Double-18th Club, 53rd GPU, O/B, Bloem3, 384km, vel 1131
Tripled-5th Club, 10th GPU, O/B, Tburg 1, 483km, vel 1558
4th-12th Club,12thDiv,79th GPU, O/B, Tburg2, 483km,vel 1716
ZA WYNLAND 5284/12-Raced by Jannie Bredenham
25th Club, 18th Union, Wynland, Lainsburg, Y/B, vel 787
ZA GPU 06770/13- Now PROVEN BREEDER!!!!!!!
7th Club, 19th Div, 23rd Union, Y/B, Riet Rivier, 473km, vel 1340
dbl - 9th Club, 11th Div, 14th GPU, O/B, Trompsburg, 485km, vel 1434 ZA GPU 06195/13
11th Club, 13th Div, 16th GPU, Trompsburg O/B, 485km, vel 1433
ZA GPU 16927/14- GPU Expensive ring. Rung for H. De Noon. Equal 1st,5 birds on the drop. 2nd Club, 3rd Division, 3rd GPU, Springfontein Y/B, 521km, vel 1599

Granddam ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013.
Breeds winner in first season at stock.
Dam to: ZA WPU/D 3220/14 - 4 x winner Raced by C. FERNANDEZ
1st Club, 12th Federation, Bloemfontein
12th Club, Dewetsdorp, 300km, vel 1071
6th Club, Wepener 316km, vel 1103
12th Club, Rouxville, 392km, vel 1094
1st Club, 10th Federation, Jamestown
1st Club, Sterkstroom 530km
Results of ZA GPU 15838/11
12th Club,14th Div,48th Comb, SSeries, Vburg, 231km, vel 1342
4th Club, 28th Div, 59th THU Y/B, Bloem 3, 381km, vel 1035
DBL-5th Club,33rd Div,64th THU Y/B, Tsburg 1, 483km, vel 1837
Triple-8th Club, 71st Div, 136th THU Y/B, Tburg, 483km, vel 1253
4th-14th Club,117th Div,187th THU Y/B,Cberg, 584km,vel 1505
2013 Racing Season
16th Ace Pigeon Club O/B Short Distance 2013
(Equal 1st) Loftmates 1st & 2nd Club, Division and Combine.
3rd Club, 3rd Div,3rd Combine, GRPA O/B, Wburg1, 282km, vel 1262

Dbl-26th Club, ?Div, 177th,Union GPU,O/B,Winburg 2,282km,vel 1676
8th Club,?Div,23rd GPU, O/B, Bloem3, 384km, vel 1142
Terrible trap!
8th Club, 8th Div, 49th GPU, O/B, Tburg 2, 483km, vel 1724 REST
30th Club,59th Div,95th GPU, O/B, Hanover 2, 652km, vel 1451
Dbl-3rd Club,8th GPU, O/B,Hanover 4,652km, vel 1346
Wins the Club by 11,31 minutes!!
Tripled-1st Club, 3rd Div, 4th GPU, O/B, Rmond 2, 711km, vel 1219
Wins the club by 3 1/2 minutes after losing 1 1/2 minutes AGAIN on not reading the ring. Power supply problem apparantly. Lost Union WIN!
4th Iin a row-1st Club,2nd Div, 2nd GPU, O/B, Rmond 3, 711km, vel 1535

5th- 10th Club, 21st Div, 41st GPU, O/B, Cradock, 702km, vel 1671
6th-42nd Club, 228th GPU, O/B, Richmond, 711km, vel 1662
7th-34th Club, 90th Div, 257th GPU, 3 Sisters, 801km, vel 757
put to stock


OOA & J & P Lofts are currently 2nd Single and 4th All Bird Averages GPU, old THU
We also have one of the top 3 ACE ( Best Bird) Old Bird Pigeon thus far on averages - Visit
It is the same MONSTER COCK/ GOLDEN CARELLY BAK 17 Lines on offer here when crossed with our R80 000 TOCK LOCK SUPER PAIR daughters that are doing the damage again.

Last weekend the direct daughter to "MONSTER COCK/404 STERKE LINE" was a UNION WINNER
- ZA GPU 00229/15 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU Union, Edenburg,Y/B, 448km,vel 1410 - MONSTER COCK X 17912(SISTER TO 04159)
- ZA GPU 07483/14 - 1st Club, 9th GPU O/B, Edenburg, 448km, vel 1468 - Son to GOLDEN CARELLY X 08816 ( Brother to 17912 and 01459)

ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner & 1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012 & 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
Already dam and granddam to winners.

Dam to 3 winners
ZA GPU 06639/13 - 1st Club, Richmond Championships, PTA-Oos, 760km, vel 1281
Wins the race by 2 1/2 minutes.
Dam to:
ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner.
21st Club, 49th Div, 77th GPU, Winburg 2, Y/B, 280km, vel 1374
27th Club, 29th Div, 115th GPU, Bloem 1, Y/B, 384km, vel 1165
21st Club,34th Div,79th GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414
14th Club, 44th Div, 94th GPU, Rietrivier, Y/B, 474km, vel 1270
1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
Dam to:
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487

Granddam to:

ZA WYNLAND 5416/13 - 2 x Winner. -Raced by F. Viljoen
3rd Club, 12th Union, Beaufort-West, 300km
8th Club - Hanover, 580km
2nd Club, 6th Union Hopetown, 606km
1st Club, 2nd Union Kimberley, 724 km. One of few on the day.
1st Club, Prelim 1st Union, Bloemfontein, 786km

Great granddam to:
ZA GPU 04703/14 - 2nd Club, 2nd Division, 9th GPUnion, Aliwal North, Y/B, 517km, vel 1454



We have won 11 Club races, and 5 Unions with EVERY WINNER being a grand or ggrandchild of the R80 000 SUPER COCK!!!!!


We are racing under J & P Lofts as partners with our friends Peet Hartman and John.

The Tom Lock/Sablon/Sierens line this season did the main damage for us.

The Tom Lock x SABLON BAK 17 Crosses achieved the following results for us:

GPU Overall Young Bird Champions 2015
GPU Single Bird Young Bird Champions 2015
GPU All Bird Y/B Averages Champions 2015
GPU Short Distance Old Bird Champions 2015
Overall Old & Young Bird Series Combined GPUnion Points Champions 2015

The R80 000 SUPERBREEDER COCK'S progeny is what is doing the damage for us at the moment when crossed with the "GOLDEN CARELLY" BAK 17 /STERKE / R50 000 SierensLine.

We have won 11 Club races, and 5 Unions with EVERY WINNER being a grand or ggrandchild of the R80 000 SUPER COCK!!!!!

6/11 of our wins are either bred directly or of children of our NR 1 PAIR, " GOLDEN CARELLY X 08816, DTR OF THE R80 000 SUPER PAIR "

Look at the high level of performances these pigeons are capable of on Union Level. Top 3 consistantly....

ZA GPU 06191/14 - 1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101-CARELLY

ZA GPU 07484/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084-CARELLY
ZA GPU 07483/14 - Winner of sales race & Club Winner. 1st Club, 4th GPU, Britstown, Y/B, 670km, vel 1235 -CARELLY
ZA GPU 07484/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414 -CARELLY
ZA GPU 7264/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU, Britstown Union Challenge, 670km, vel 1306
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487 --CARELLY

ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
ZA GPU 7246/14 - 1st Club, 1st Union, Trompsburg, Y//B, 485km, vel 1138
ZA GPU 6086/12 - 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloemfontein 1, O/B, 384km, vel 1248
ZA GPU 6086/12- 1st Club, 5th Div, 10th GPU, Winburg 2, O/B, 2980KM, VEL 1438
ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts. - 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPU, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581 -MONSTER'S BROTHER
ZA GPU 11112/14 - 2nd Club, 2nd Division, 2nd Union, Sfield O/B, 469km, vel 1472.124
ZA GPU 11278/14 - 3rd Club, 6th GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1106




Linebred for stock to ZA THU 29596/98, The R100 000 Foundation Cock. Sire to 38 winners.Grandsire to 20+ ACE PIGEONS.
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon River Loft 2006
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2007
Grandsire to 2nd Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2007
Grandsire to 6th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2008
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon THU O/B Series 2010
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Series 2010
Grandsire to 5th Ace Pigeon PTAUnion 2010
Grandsire to 7th Ace Pigeon Middle Distance PTA Union 2011
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Series 2011
Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA O/B Series 2011
Great Grandsire to 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon THU O/B 2012
Great Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B 2012
Great Grandsire to 1st Ace Pigeon GRPA Y/B Middle Distance 2012
Great Grandsire to 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GRPA Combine 2012
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Short Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 3rd Nat Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2010(053)
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Overall Distance SANPO 2010
Grandsire to 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Long Distance SANPO 2011
Great Grandsire to1st Ace Pigeon PTA Fed Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd Ace PTA Combine Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd ACE O/B GPU Old Bird Series 2013
Great Grandsire to 2nd Ace O/B GPU Old Bird Series Long Distance 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance SANPO 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd Ace Pigeon Long Distance SANPO 2013
Great Grandsire to 3rd Ace Pigeon All Distances SANPO 2013
Gggrandsire to ZA PWFD 2258/13, 2 x Winner & SANPO Silver Medal Winner Short Distance 2014 for T. Boshof.
GGGgrandsire to SANPO OERF 00547/13, .He is the Bronze medalist cock in Federation for yearlings and the Ace yearling cock in club over all distances as well as Ace short distance pigeon 2014.

2 X GGrand SON to the "R80 000 COCK" = SA THU 19150/02 - 2 x Winner. R80 000 Super Pair
He is sire to 21 winners, Four 2 x Winners.
*SANPO Gold Medal Winner -Middle Distance 2010 Bred and Raced by Out Of Africa Lofts
*1st Ace Bird Young Bird Series GRPA 2010
*GRPA Derby Combine Winner 2010
*GRPA Car Race Winner 2010
* 1st Overall Ace THU O/B All Distance 2007–R. Van Der Merwe
*6th Overall Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2007-Out of Africa Lofts
R80 000 Super Pair Grand children:
1st Overall Ace THU O/B All Distance 2007
3rd Ace Club, 6th Ace Y/BTHU 2008
1st Ace THU O/B Middle Distance 2012
2nd Overall Ace THU O/B All Distance 2012
1st Ace GRPA Y/B Middle Distance 2012
6th Overall Ace GRPA All Distance 2012
1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance, 6th Overall Y/B Series GPU 2013

The R80 000 Super Cock is Grandsire to:
*SANPO Gold Medal Winner -Short Distance 2010 Raced by R. Huebsch (Bred by Out of Africa Lofts)
*SANPO Gold Medal Winner -Overall Best Bird 2010 Raced by R. Huebsch (Bred by Out of Africa Lofts)
*SANPO Gold Medal Winner -Short Distance 2012 Raced by D. Jooste
*SANPO Gold Medal Winner -Overall Best Bird 2012 Raced by D. Jooste
Grandsire to:
ZA DKDKOP 1104/13 -Bred and raced by M. Bekker
Best Bird in P.E. Fed 15 bird Series. 14/15 races scored.
ZA GPU 11163/13 "HULK"-Raced by J & P Lofts.
Peet Hartman, John, and Egbert O'Kelly
1st Club, 1st Division, 1st GPUnion, Winburg 1, 280km, vel 1177,581
ZA GPU 06191/14 - 1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101
ZA GPU 07484/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU Union, O./B, Middelburg, 682km, vel 1084

ZA GPU 07483/14 - Winner of sales race & Club Winner. 1st Club, 4th GPU, Britstown, Y/B, 670km, vel 1235
ZA GPU 07484/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloem 2, Y/B, 385 km, vel 1414

ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner. 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013, 5th Ace Pigeon S/D Old Birds Series gpu 2014

'MONSTER COCK" - ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 (1 X Equal) x Club Winner . 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner.1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012

The R80 000 Super Cock is Gggrandsire to:

ZA GPU 15838/11-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird L/D, 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013, 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013
ZA GPU 11080/14 - 1st Club, 1st Division, 3rd GPU, A-North, O/B, 517km, vel 1487

ZA GPU 04626/14 - Winner. 1st Club, 1st Div, 3rd GPU, Smithfield, Y/B, 469km, vel 1457
ZA GPU 7264/14 - 1st Club, 1st Div, 1st GPU, Britstown Union Challenge, 670km, vel 1306
ZA GPU 7246/14 - 1st Club, 1st Union, Trompsburg, Y//B, 485km, vel 1138
ZA GPU 6086/12 - 1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GPUnion, Bloemfontein 1, O/B, 384km, vel 1248
ZA GPU 6086/12- 1st Club, 5th Div, 10th GPU, Winburg 2, O/B, 2980KM, VEL 1438

2nd Hotspot C/City Summer race 2008
ZA OERF 9944/07 - 4th Final R3000 Race Carnival City.
2nd Ace Pigeon 2008
ZA GPU 05751/12 -Winner of R15 000, 3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013, 3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
SANPO OERF 12200/14 - 6th Ace Pigeon Carnival Club 2015 Witpen Hokke

The list of super racers and winner, multiple winners and Ace Pigeon bred from this line is to many to mention, but we have given examples of closely related pigeon's pedigrees here as well.
This pigeon family has bred so many ACE PIGEONS and MULTIPLE WINNERS in the past 5 seasons in South Africa:

Related to many other winners and Ace Pigeons, o.a.:
ZA GRPA 02850/11-4 x (3 x Equal) Club Winner-From 998 - 1703 vel! & 12th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GRPA Y/B Series 2012
SA THU 6367/05 -HAWK Ace Pigeon River-Loft 2006
Performance over the last 3 races were as follows:
09 September 2006-540 km 3rd.
22 September 2006-280 km 2nd.
30 September 2006-600km 2nd Main Race.
ZA THU 08231/10 - 4 x (2 x Equal) Club Winner, 2nd Division, 6th Combine Winner, 1st ACE Bird GRPA Young Bird Series 2011, 2nd ACE Bird Middle Distance GRPA Y/B Series 2011
3rd ACE Bird Overall Youg & Old Bird Series 2011
18th ACE Bird GRPA Y/B Series 2011 Short Distance
ZA GRPA 0329/10- 3 x Equal Winner-Traps with Loftmates 3 x 3rd in a row! , Equal Ace Bird Club Young Bird Series 2011
Equal Ace Bird Division Y/B Series 2011 (Loftmate has same points!!)
6th ACE Bird Overall Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
ZA THU 15749/09 - 5 x Winner, & SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER Middle Distance 2010
5x WINNER Club, 2 x Div & 2 x GRPA Combine Winner, 2 x 2nd GRPA Winner, GRPA Derby Winner & GRPA Car Winner.Best Y/B GRPA Series 2010
ZA THU 15838/11 - 3 X Winner, & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013
-3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner. 2nd ACE BIRD Overall O/B Series GPU 2013
3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner L/D 2013
SA THU 10097/08, 2 X Winner & 2 X SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNERS 2010
ZA TRPF 19318/09 - 3 x (1 Equal) Club, 1st & 2nd Div Winner & 1st & 2nd Combine Winner. 1st National Ace Pigeon Long Distance SANPO GOLD MEDAL 2011
Overall Ace Bird Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011
Ace Bird Old Bird Series GRPA 2011,
Ace Bird Overall Middle Distance Old & Young Bird Series GRPA Combine 2011,
3 rd Car Race GRPA 2011
Raced and scored 15/15 races in 2011 season.
ZA GPU 11099/11 -1st Ace Pigeon OERF 2013, SANPO Bronze Medal Winner Middle Distance 2013
His nestmate is SANPO Bronze Medal Winner Overall Distance 2013
'MONSTER COCK" - ZA GRPA 02854/11-4 (1 X Equal) x Club Winner . 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012 & 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
1st,2nd, 2nd,9th, 28rd THU Union Winner
1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B Series 2012
2nd Overall Ace Pigeon O/B Series THU 2012
ZA GRPA 04159/11-5 x (3 x Equal) Winner.1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012
Equal Div & Combine Winner-Trapped with loftmate!
1st Ace Bird GRPA Y/B Series Middle Distance 2012
6th Ace Pigeon GRPA Young Bird Series 2012
ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner. 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013, 5th Ace Pigeon S/D Old Birds Series gpu 2014
1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013
3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013
6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013
Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500
ZA THU 11791/07 Super Racer & Breeder of winners and One Loft Aces. 2 x Winner. 6th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2008
Union Sale Ring - 2008 4th Union Sale Race Winner of R24 000
3rd Ace Bird Club 2008
3rd Ace Bird Division 2008
6th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2008
Sire to 15 wins thus far. Also sire to ZA GPU 05751/12
9th Carnival Hot Spot 3 Glen
47th Hot Spot 4, Edenburg 449 km.
3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
3rd Overall Ace Pigeon Winter Race 2013
ZA GPU 07733/12 -Winner of R20 000 in Prize Money, 2nd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
10th Hot Spot 2 Winburg Carnival Winter Race
2nd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
ZA GPU 05751/12 -Winner of R15 000, 3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013, 3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
9th Carnival Hot Spot 3 Glen
47th Hot Spot 4, Edenburg 449 km.
3rd Carnival Winter Race Final 2013
3rd Ace Pigeon Hot Spot 1-4 Plus Final Winter Race 2013
ZA WBU/D 0149/12 - 2 X (1 Equal) Club Winner
ZA PWFD 2258/13, 2 x Winner & SANPO Silver Medal Winner Short Distance 2014 for T. Boshoff.

08291/10- 1st Club,12th Div, 24th THU, Y/B, Strydenburg, 616km, vel 1385
ZA THU 02305/10 - 2nd Club,2nd Div, 9th GRPA Combine, Wburg, 283km, vel 1142
ZA GRPA 02848/11 -1st Club, 2nd Div, 3rd GRPA O/B Combine, Rburg, 428km, vel 1065
ZA GRPA 09783/12- 1st Club,1st Div, 24th GRPA Y/B Combine,Wburg 1, 282km,vel 1207
ZA GRPA 09784/12 - Equal Club Winner.
ZA WELL 75/12 -Raced by Gerhard Steenkamp.- 2nd Club, 2nd Fed, 2nd Wes Boland Union.

Starting: 06 Aug 2016 09:00
Ending: 03 Sep 2016 19:30

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#1 4 x ACES
ZA GPU 02806/15
Bred by Out of Africa Lofts
Offered by Out of Africa Lofts
Bidding Ends: 08 Aug 2016 12:31:32 South African time (GMT+2)
R 6 500.00
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