ZA VPU 1467 - Winner by 2 1.2 minutes!. SUPER RACER!! 1st Club, 3rd VPU Union, 3rd Gauteng Combine, 8125 pigeons, Smithfield, Y/B, 391km, vel 1303. Her sire is son to SUPERBREEDER 810. Her dam is a TOM LOCK HEN. SEE PEDIGREE

ZA VPU 1467 - Winner by 2 1.2 minutes!. SUPER RACER!!
6th Club, 12th Union, O/B, Winburg, 197km, vel 1296
47th  Club, Bloemfontein, Y/B, 323km, 1328
dbl- Three on the drop! - Equal Winner! - 2nd  Club, 12th VPU Union, Y/B, Springfontein, 424km, vel 1360
Triple - 1st Club, 3rd VPU Union, 3rd Gauteng Combine, 8125 pigeons, Smithfield, Y/B, 391km, vel 1303
